Approved Tandem
Parachute Modifications

This site contains all British Skydiving Approved Tandem parachute equipment modifications that have been approved, recorded in the minutes and subsequently ratified at Riggers or Safety and Training Committee meetings. The modifications may be selected and viewed using three criteria; Type, Search, and Sort. Individual modifications have a brief description and may be expanded to show full details. Modifications may also have attached files including text, image and video as appropriate.

‘Type’ refers to a tandem system container and comprises all modifications for that equipment type that have appeared in the British Skydiving Riggers or Safety and Training Committee minutes since 1993. Each modification is as quoted in the applicable minute and sometimes, where necessary, there are references to other items to facilitate a fuller understanding of the modification The ‘Search’ and ‘Sort’ criteria are self-explanatory.

11 June 1998
Type / Ultra next

RIGGERS 11th Jun 98

Approval for ‘Wings Unlimited’ canopies to be used in Tandem Next systems. (Cleared for all).

6. TANDEM CLEARANCE (Cleared for all)

Mr Morris gave the meeting details of his request for Wings Unlimited canopies (main and reserves) to be used for Tandem in the UK in the Next system. He stated that the Next Tandem container and harness was currently accepted for use in the UK.

Mr Morris advised the Committee that these parachutes had full clearance from the German authorities with the appropriate TSO equivalents and had undergone strenuous testing.

Stefan Ertler the designer of the canopies and whose company manufactures them was in attendance at the meeting and was able to answer any questions from the Committee.

Following further discussion on this matter, it was proposed by Dave Morris and seconded by John Harding that the above request be accepted.

For: 11 Against: 0 Abstentions: 1 (John Curtis)
11 June 1998
Type / Vector

RIGGERS 11th Jun 98

To use double Teflon cable to replace Tandem Vector curved pin. (Cleared for all).

6. TANDEM CLEARANCE (Cleared for All)

Mr Morris then gave the meeting details of his request that a double teflon cable be permitted to replace the curved pin on the Tandem Vector.

It was proposed by Dave Morris and seconded by Pete Sizer that the above request be accepted.

For: 11 – Against: 0 – Abstentions: 1 (John Curtis)
6 August 1998
Type / Galaxy/atom

RIGGERS 6th Aug 98

Tandem Vector Student harness for use with Tandem Atom. (Cleared for all).

10. TANDEM REQUEST ― PETE SIZER (Cleared for All)

  1. Mr Sizer gave the meeting details of a request for to use a Tandem Vector Student harness with the Parachute de France Tandem Atom.Proposed by Pete Sizer, seconded by Allan Hewitt, that the above proposal be accepted.

    For: 6 – Against: 1 – Abstentions: 3 (J. Curtis, J. Harding, P. Walters)
8 October 1998
Type / Galaxy/atom

RIGGERS 8th Oct 98

Approval of Tandem Atom for use with chest mounted secondary drogue handle. (Cleared for all).


Allan Hewitt advised the Committee that although the Parachutes de France Atom was cleared as a standard system, the Committee had not officially accepted the secondary handle on the Atom as Riggers had not seen the chest mounted drogue release system at that time, and this had never been brought back to the Committee. It was therefore proposed by Pete Sizer and seconded by John Harding, that the secondary handle on the Parachute de France Atom be accepted for use.

Carried unanimously

12. A.O.B. (Cleared for All)

  1. A letter had been received from Pete Sizer, which was circulated to those present requesting to put a PD360 reserve into a Tandem Atom container.

    Following discussion on this item, it was proposed by Allan Hewitt and seconded by Rick Boardman that the above modification be accepted for use subject to it being checked by Pete Sizer and an independent Advanced Rigger before use. This would need to be ratified at the next Riggers Committee. It was also noted that no one else may put a PD360 reserve in an Atom container until it had been ratified.

    Carried unanimously, but see RIGGERS 18th Feb 99
8 October 1998
Type / Aircare

<--96, RIGGERS 8th Oct 98

Acceptance of Tandem Aircare (also see Riggers minutes, Oct 98).


The committee confirmed that Nicky’s (Johnson) system was called ‘Aircare’ and that it had been cleared.

18 February 1999
Type / Galaxy/atom

RIGGERS 18th Feb 99

To use a PD360 reserve in a Tandem Atom. (Cleared for all).


Page 2, ltem 1 ― Matters arising AOB (iii). At the Riggers meeting of 8th October 1998 the Committee accepted a request from Pete Sizer to put a PD360 reserve into a Tandem Atom container subject to the modification being checked by an independent Advanced Rigger.

The Committee were advised that an inspection of the equipment had now been made by John Curtis. It was therefore proposed by Pete Sizer and seconded by John Curtis that the above modification be accepted.

Carried unanimously
1 3 4 5 6 7 18

Last Update: From Riggers and Safety and Training Committee meetings 1st Feb 2018.

Form-212 Approved Tandem Parachute Equipment Modifications

To ascertain which canopies are cleared for use with a specific container, reference must be made to the modifications for that container type. A type of ‘Canopies Only’ has been included for any individual canopies, main or reserve, which have been approved for Tandem use by STC/Riggers but have no formal Tandem container system associated with them. These have been included for information only as the canopies have not had any modification applied to them.

Officially, any British Skydiving Tandem Modification that is cleared for use at any particular Riggers or STC Committee meeting must be formally ratified at the following Riggers or STC Meeting. These meetings are normally eight weeks apart and ‘officially’, any such Tandem Modification item will not be formally cleared until that ratification.

Some previously recorded clearances have been removed. For the full wording see the item ‘RIGGERS 15th Feb 01’ under type ‘General’.

No reference is made to any formal Safety Notice, Safety Information or Update, that has been issued by an individual manufacturer, unless they require the Riggers or STC to intervene. This is because a manufacturer’s update is not part of the British Skydiving modification programme. Safety Notices and Safety Information sheets may be issued by British Skydiving but these have their own recommendations and/or instructions.

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