How to Use the Course Builder to Add Lessons, Topics, and Quizzes

The LearnDash drag-and-drop Course Builder is an intuitive tool that allows you to organise course content into sections, lessons, topics, and quizzes. This guide will walk you through using the Course Builder step-by-step to create and customise your course structure.

Accessing the Course Builder

  1. Navigate to the WordPress dashboard and go to LearnDash LMS > Courses.
  2. Click on the “Add New” button to create a new course.
  3. On the new course page:
    • Add a Course Title: Enter the name of your course in the title field. For example, “Basic Spanish Course.”
    • Add a Course Description: Use the content editor to write a brief overview of your course. This information will be displayed on the course page for prospective learners to review before enrolling.
    • Enhance your course page with additional elements such as videos, images, or headings by clicking the “+” icon in the editor.

Once you’ve entered your course title and description, click “Save Draft” before proceeding to the Course Builder tab.

Using the Drag-and-Drop Course Builder

The Course Builder allows you to organise your course into sections and lessons:

  1. Adding Sections:
    • Click “New Section Heading” to create a section.
    • Enter the section title, such as “Family and Friends Vocabulary”.
    • Sections act as containers to group related lessons.
  2. Adding Lessons:
    • Click “New Lesson” within a section to create a lesson.
    • Enter the lesson title, such as “Introduction to Family Vocabulary” or “Introduction to La Familia.”
    • Add multiple lessons to a section to break the content into manageable parts.
  3. Adding Topics (Optional):
    • Click the down arrow next to a lesson to add a new topic.
    • Topics allow you to further divide lessons into smaller, more focused units.
    • Example: A topic under a lesson on grammar could be titled “Introduction to Grammar Rules.”
  4. Adding Quizzes:
    • Quizzes can be added to lessons, topics, or the course as a whole.
    • Click “New Quiz” and name it, such as “Lesson Check” or “Final Course Quiz.”
    • Quizzes assess learner understanding and provide checkpoints throughout the course.

Customising the Course Outline

The Course Builder’s drag-and-drop functionality makes it easy to organise your course structure:

  • Rearrange lessons and sections by dragging them into your desired order.
  • Move quizzes between lessons or topics using the same drag-and-drop approach.
  • Edit the title or details of any lesson, topic, or quiz by clicking “Edit” next to the item.

Finalising Your Course Structure

Once you’ve outlined your course with sections, lessons, topics, and quizzes:

  1. Review the structure in the Course Builder to ensure everything is in the correct order.
  2. Add any final elements, like a Final Quiz, by clicking “New Quiz” at the course level.
  3. After your course structure is complete, you can go into each lesson, topic, or quiz to add detailed content.