Info Bulletin

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123. Bulletin-SI-3-24-Tandem-Instructional-Procedures

122. Bulletin-SI-2-24-Double-Ended Loop Failure

121. Bulletin-SI-1-24-Reserve Packing Tool Control

120. Bulletin-SI-2-23-Next Century Primary Drogue Release Handle Break

119. Bulletin-SI-1-23-PIA-Retainer-Band-Advisory.pdf

118. Bulletin SI 1-22 Next Millenium student harness

117. Bulletin 1-21-20-09-21. Master Reserves Strong Tandem

117.1 Bulletin 1-21 20-09-21. Recertification Requirements

116. Bulletin 3-19 06-12-19 Tandem Skydiving Safety

115. Bulletin 2-19 08-08-19 Harness Removable Component parts and Harness work_

114. Bulletin 1-19  05 04 19  Cypres Service Life & Maintenance

113. Bulletin 4-18  20 11 18  Next, Next Century Tandem

112. Bulletin 3-18  27 09 18 Skywide Systems (SWA) Fire RSLs

111. Bulletin 2-18  26 09 18 Skywide Systems (SWS) Fire RSLs

110. Bulletin 1-18  09 02 18  Update to BPA Safety Notice 1-99_TSE Zerox Containers

109. Bulletin 1-17  03 02 17  Airtec Cypres AAD service life extension & maintenance

108. Bulletin 2-16  06 06 16  Mandatory Cypres AAD Maintenance

107. Bulletin 1-16  05 02 16  Next/Next Century Tandem

106. Bulletin 6-15  25 11 15  MVTC-3R(421) Reserves

105. Bulletin 5 15   20 11 15 Next/Next Century Tandem

104. Bulletin 4 15   21 09 15  Connector links

103. Bulletin 3 15   06 08 15  Grey military containers and MVT421 reserves

102. Bulletin 2 15   09 06 15  Grey military containers and MVT421 reserves

101. Bulletin 1 15  18 02 15   Vector Tandem (Grey) Ex-Military Containers

100. Bulletin 1 14  25 06 14   Next / Next Century Tandem

99.  Bulletin 1 10   26 11 10   Aviacom Argus AAD

98.  Bulletin 1 08   06 06 08   Vigil AADs

97.  Bulletin 1 07   05 10 07   Cutaway Housings

96.  Bulletin 1 06   11 05 06   Aerodyne Icon containers slow opening

95.  Bulletin 3 05   22 09 05   Next Tandem 3 ring failure

94.  Bulletin 2 05   19 04 05   Anti Twist Lock Riser Housing Inserts

93.  Bulletin 1 05   03 03 05   Packing Manual, Use of

92.  Bulletin 1 04   14 06 04   Teflon Coated Closing Pins

91.  Bulletin 2 03   05 06 03   Connector Link Covers Slider Buffers

90.  Bulletin 1 03   04 02 03   Reserve Connector Links

89.  Bulletin 1 01   07 02 01   FXC Calibration

88.  Bulletin 1 00   11 02 00   Tandem Main Canopies

87   Bulletin 2 99    28 06 99  Racer Elite 400 Tandem Canopies

86.  Bulletin 1 99   12 04 99   Tandem Vector Lanyards

85.  Bulletin 4 98   19 10 98   BPA rules re Servicing Reserve Parachute Systems

84.  Bulletin 3 98   12 08 98   CYPRES Battery Leakage

83.  Bulletin 2 98   23 04 98   Previous Recommendations Amendments

82.  Bulletin 1 98   23 04 98   Slider Stops

81   Bulletin 3 97   12 12 97   Equipment used by Student Parachutists

80.  Bulletin 2 97   25 06 97   3 Ring Risers

79.  Bulletin 1 97   02 04 97   Weight Vest

78.  Bulletin 3 96   25 09 96   Incorrect Reserve Assembly

77.  Bulletin 2 96   31 05 96   Previous Safety Notice Information 3 ring attachment and 3 ring for RAPS

76.  Bulletin 1 96   05 02 96   Resrve Static Line incorrect FXC attachment used with RSL

75.  Bulletin 4 95   29 10 95   Soldered Reserve Pins

74.  Bulletin 3 95   29 10 95   AFF Secondary Ripcord Handle

73.  Bulletin 2 95   24 08 95   Jammed Control Lines

72.  Bulletin 1 95   17 03 95   Reserve Packing Safety Notices Bulletins

71.  Bulletin 5 94   20 07 94   Riser brake locking rings mains and reserves

70.  Bulletin 4 94   22 03 94   Throwaway Pilot Chute Toggle

69   Bulletin 3 94   18 03 94   Lifting of Nova Main Canopy Grounding

68.  Bulletin 2 94   18 03 94   Safety Bulletins Airtec Para Flite FXC

67.  Bulletin 1 94   28 01 94   Riser brake locking rings

66.  Bulletin 6 93   02 09 93   Tear drop reserve closing loop

65.  Bulletin 5 93   27 08 93   Cutaway pad cable housings

64.  Bulletin 4 93   06 08 93   Ripcord Cutaway cable maintenance

63.  Bulletin 3 93   15 07 93   Reinforcing Tandem Canopies

62.  Bulletin 2 93   28 05 93   RSLs with reinforced risers

61.  Bulletin 1 93   14 04 93   One pin Tear Drop

60.  Bulletin 2 92   01 06 92   Type 17 mini risers Vector recall

59.  Bulletin 1 92   17 03 92   Parachutes de France reserve line stowage

58.  Bulletin 11 91                  Strong Tandem riser damage

57.  Bulletin 10 91 24 10 91   Helmets

56.  Bulletin 9 91   24 10 91   RSL function

55.  Bulletin 8 91   26 07 91   Capewell Malfunction

54.  Bulletin 7 91   07 06 91   Tandem Vector drogue packing

53.  Bulletin 6 91                    PISA Pintail canopies

52.  Bulletin 5 91   30 04 91   TalonTalonette skyhook pilot chutes

51.  Bulletin 4 91   15 03 91   VectorXerox pilot chutes

50.  Bulletin 3 91                    Parachutes de France. 3 ring housings

49.  Bulletin 2 91   21 01 91   Collapsible pilot chutes

48.  Bulletin 1 91   14 01 91   FXC Safety Information

47.  Bulletin 6 90   29 10 90   GQ Protector reserves

46.  Bulletin 5 90   20 07 90   Leg strap retention elastics

45.  Bulletin 4 90B 20 07 90   Bromocresol Testing

44.  Bulletin 4 90A 27 04 90   Equipment compatibility

43.  Bulletin 3 90   23 04 90   Very high performance canopies

42.  Bulletin 2 90   13 03 90   Vector reserve pilot chutes

41.  Bulletin 1 90                    RSL with new gear

40.  Bulletin 10 89 28 11 89   Damage to suspension lines slider stops

39.  Bulletin 9 89   04 10 89   CRW Leg Locks

38.  Bulletin 8 89                    Stevens Lanyard release shackle

37.  Bulletin 7 89                    Low hook turns

36.  Bulletin           22 06 89  Amendment to Bulletin 6 89

35.  Bulletin 6 89   16 06 89   GQ Security and National reserves

34.  Bulletin 5 89   17 05 89   PISA reserves and pilot chutes

33.  Bulletin 4 89   24 04 89   National reserves and pilot chutes

32.  Bulletin 3 89   19 04 89   Acid Mesh

31.  Bulletin 2 89   14 02 89   GQ reserve parachutes Acid

30.  Bulletin 1 89   27 01 89   Tandem Vector harness stitching

29.  Bulletin 12 88 02 12 88   Acid mesh further information

28.  Bulletin 11 88 25 11 88   Reserve Groundings Acid Mesh

27.  Bulletin           20 10 88   Statement re Grounding of Reserve Parachutes

26.  Bulletin 10 88 19 10 88   Invader 370R 420R resrves

25.  Bulletin 9 88  18 04 88   GQ Security Acid Mesh

24.  Bulletin 8 88                    Low hook turns

23.  Bulletin 7 88   16 03 88   TSE ripcord handles

22.  Bulletin 6 88   10 03 88   RacerChaser type reserves housings pilot chute loops

21.  Bulletin 5 88                    French style 3 ring release mini risers

20.  Bulletin 4 88   16 02 88   Tandem Vector packing error

19.  Bulletin 3 88   16 02 88   Vector 3 ring failure

18.  Bulletin 2 88   20 01 88   Acid mesh problem

17.  Bulletin 1 88                    Chaser tape on metal plates grommets and housings

16.  Bulletin 7 87   21 12 87   3mm Super tack

15.  Bulletin 6 87   21 12 87   Acid mesh problem

14.  Bulletin 5 87   12 10 87   TSE free bag bridles

13.  Bulletin 4 87   21 09 87   Contact retractable bridle line

12.  Bulletin 3 87   27 04 87   Chaser missed stitches

11.  Bulletin 2 87   18 03 87   Martildo pull out

10.  Bulletin 1 87   09 03 87   Chaser cutaway system

9.    Bulletin 3 86   18 11 86   Fury canopies lift off point

8.    Bulletin 2 86   21 10 86   Tandem Vector line slump

7.    Bulletin 1 86   24 09 86   Self-induced ram air canopy malfunctions

6.    Bulletin 2 85   27 08 85   AAD power cable terminal eye location

5.    Bulletin 1 85   12 03 85   TSE hand deployed pilot chutes

4.    Bulletin 1 84   30 11 84   Stitching on Wonderhog type containers

3.    Bulletin 1 83   25 04 83   Comet canopy slider stops

2.    Bulletin 2 82   18 10 82   Approaching an aircraft

1.    Bulletin 1 82   17 09 82   Pegasus design change