Board of Directors Meeting Update August

Update from the Latest Council Meeting

At the meeting in June, Council agreed on a series of actions to ensure British Skydiving has a Board of Directors that is balanced, skilled and diverse. This included agreeing to a recommendation to members that the number of Independent Non-executive Directors (INEDs) should be increased from two to four, a significant decision. But there was one other significant Governance Recommendation that we didn’t have time to give due consideration to at that meeting. So, on 30 July, we held an additional meeting (known as an extraordinary meeting) to cover that outstanding item.

At last week’s extraordinary meeting, we considered a substantial piece of work looking at the appointment processes for British Skydiving’s Non-executive Directors (NEDs), approaches taken by other NGBs and good governance recommendations. After much deliberation, the Directors agreed that the best way to align the process for appointing NEDs and the need to ensure Directors have the skills, expertise and attributes required to deliver the Strategic Plan and perform as an effective leadership team is to move to a system of application and selection for all NED roles, rather than the current system of election. We see this as the best option for reliably securing the skills and expertise needed and as likely to draw in a more diverse pool of candidates.

This would be a big change for British Skydiving, and the Board still has a good deal of work to do before we can bring it to members for their consideration. So, in the meantime, we’ll share further updates as the work progresses.

Mary (Chair of British Skydiving)