Update From The Chair on The Latest Council Meeting in September

Update from the Latest Council Meeting (10 September 2024)

The September meeting brought another packed agenda so I’ll just share a few highlights with you here while you wait for publication of the minutes in the members’ section of the website.

Those highlights included welcoming two new Directors, Roumie Radountcheva and Stevie Flanagan, and congratulating Martin Soulsby on his appointment as Chair of the RAeC. Both are great news for the Association.

As with the last few meetings, there were updates on the implementation of recommendations from the Independent Board Review conducted last year. This continues to progress well and the meeting saw us sign off on three more pieces of work on this, one that will help us to maintain appropriate separation between Board and operations, another improving clarity around Board roles and a third that continues strengthening our Risk strategy.

The majority of the meeting was spent discussing matters covered in the report from our CEO, Rob Gibson. This shared insight on an ongoing review of our membership offer and several new or updated policies and procedures to consider, including a DBS policy. Rob also updated us on the transition to a new membership system; this significant undertaking is now well underway and continues moving at a good pace, which is extremely exciting for us all.

We wrapped up the meeting by revisiting the need for a Working Group to focus on sustainability in relation to the sport, largely in terms of environmental concerns but not exclusively in that sense. This was actioned at the end of 2023 but had then been squeezed out by other work with pressing deadlines. It is an important piece in terms of ensuring our sport continues long into the future so it is good to have it back on the table as something in process.

Mary (Chair of British Skydiving)