What’s New from HQ! A Note from Rob Gibson, CEO of British Skydiving

Greetings, skydiving enthusiasts!

I’m thrilled to announce the inaugural World Skydiving Day, set for July 13, 2024. In collaboration with USPA, APF, CSPA, NZPIA, and British Skydiving, this global event invites both seasoned skydivers and beginners to join in setting a world record. Simply make a jump on the day, submit proof on the official website, and be part of history.

For more details visit the world skydiving day website.

As we dive into summer, I see you all are busy jumping, prepping for competitions, and honing your skills. Despite a dreary start, I hope clear skies await us. The first Grand Prix’s and SLs are underway nationwide, with Nationals around the corner. The dedication of DZs hosting these competitions is invaluable, promoting positive experiences for our members. British Skydiving is grateful for their support, and I’ll be making the rounds at Nationals—come say hi!

Judges, the unsung heroes, ensure fair play and stellar performance opportunities. I personally send my thanks to you all involved.

Competing at your best involves multiple elements aligning perfectly on the day of your jump. If you aspire to excel competitively, consider creating a performance model or defining What It Takes To Win.

A performance model offers a framework for growth, allowing for individual differences while adhering to guiding principles. It helps track development, guides necessary interventions, and boosts confidence. Just like Team GB sports have models to win Olympic medals, our skydiving models help manage pressure and keep you focused.

The office will be welcoming a new starter in July. Paul Smith will be joining the team as the newly appointed Safeguarding and Compliance Manager. Paul has a wealth of experience working across multiple sectors, more recently England Boxing. Paul will be leading on multiple projects over the coming year, taking on the work currently conducted by In Safer Hands and Nicola Hobday.

Wishing you a safe and exhilarating jumping season!

Rob Gibson

CEO, British Skydiving