Approved Tandem
Parachute Modifications

This site contains all British Skydiving Approved Tandem parachute equipment modifications that have been approved, recorded in the minutes and subsequently ratified at Riggers or Safety and Training Committee meetings. The modifications may be selected and viewed using three criteria; Type, Search, and Sort. Individual modifications have a brief description and may be expanded to show full details. Modifications may also have attached files including text, image and video as appropriate.

‘Type’ refers to a tandem system container and comprises all modifications for that equipment type that have appeared in the British Skydiving Riggers or Safety and Training Committee minutes since 1993. Each modification is as quoted in the applicable minute and sometimes, where necessary, there are references to other items to facilitate a fuller understanding of the modification The ‘Search’ and ‘Sort’ criteria are self-explanatory.

14 April 2005
Type / Sigma

RIGGERS 14th Apr 05

To fit locking pins to the snap hook of the Tandem Sigma student harness.


A proposal had been received from Bill Sharp requesting a modification to the RWS Tandem Sigma Student Harness, which had been circulated with the Agenda, together with relevant paperwork and drawings.

The Committee were given details of the proposed modification, which included drilling a hole into each of the two Tandem Sigma Student Harness butterfly snap hooks (the butterfly gate part, not the main hook), in order to insert a locking pin. This is to stop the snap hook inadvertently opening, as reported at a recent Riggers Committee Meeting.

Bill had stated that the locking pin idea is also used by some other Tandem Manufacturers, and has been used by RWS on earlier versions of their RWS Tandem harnesses.

Some concern was expressed by those present because Bill had not provided a diagram or details of the location/dimension of the hole or specified the type of locking pins to be used. The Committee felt that they would be unable to give the modification general clearance until Bill had supplied this information.

Following discussion, it was proposed by Bill Sharp and seconded by John Harding that the above modification be accepted for use by Bill Sharp only.

For: 4 – Against: 1 – Abstentions: 0
11 August 2005
Type / Sigma

RIGGERS 11th Aug 05

To fit locking pins to the snap hook of the Tandem Sigma student harness.


At the Riggers Committee Meeting of 14 April 2005, the Committee had accepted a proposal from Bill Sharp for a modification to the RWS Tandem Sigma Student Harness. The modification included drilling a hole into each of the two Tandem Sigma Student Harness butterfly snap hooks (the butterfly gate part, not the main hook), in order to insert a locking pin. The Committee had accepted this modification for use by Bill Sharp only, as at the time there was no diagram or details of the location/dimension of the hole or specified the type of locking pins to be used. The Committee had felt that that they would like to see this modification accepted for general use. Bill had therefore re-submitted the relevant paperwork and drawings, copies of which had been circulated with the agenda for consideration by the Committee.

Following some discussion, it was proposed by Bill Sharp and seconded by John Harding that the above Student Equipment Modification be accepted for general use on any student harnesses that have the same butterfly snap hooks as the Sigma (part nos: MS22042, MS22042-1, MS70121).

Carried Unanimously
6 October 2005
Type / Sigma

RIGGERS 6th Oct 05

To allow RWS Tandem Sigma reserves to be pro-packed, as per Tandem Sigma online manual.

11. A.O.B

  1. A letter had been received from Bill Sharp, which had been circulated to those present regarding Tandem Sigma reserves and Pro-Packing.

Bill Sharp wished to bring to the attention of the Committee that Relative Workshop had recently released an online copy of the Tandem Sigma system manual. (

In this manual, RWS show and approve an ‘on the floor’ version of pro-packing their reserves (VTC 360), into their Tandem Sigma system. In the past, their Tandem Vector manual showed a flat packing method. This ‘pro-packing’ method now conflicts with a previous Riggers Committee ruling (19 June 1997) that pro packing was not applicable or acceptable for the packing of Tandem reserves.

Bill Sharp had stated that the Riggers Committee recently issued a Safety Information (No 01/05) – Packing Manuals, which stipulated to reserve packers, the importance of following manufacturer’s packing instructions and that they must have the manuals to hand.

As it had been stated in the past that Tandem reserves must not be pro-packed. Bill Sharp had expressed some concern that because of the item in the new RWS Tandem Sigma Manual that actually recommends it. He did not want people to think that every Tandem reserve should or must now be pro-packed just because RWS are stating they are happy with it going into their system.

Following some discussion, it was decided by those present to rescind the rule (above) from the rule in the Minutes of 19 June 1997 and refer to BPA Safety Information (No. 01/05) – Packing Manuals, which stipulated to reserve packers, the importance of following manufacturer’s packing instructions and that they must have the manuals to hand.

3 August 2006
Type / Strong-dual hawk

RIGGERS 3rd Aug 06

To reposition the Strong Dual Hawk Tandem secondary drogue release handle from the right hand lift web position to the left hand lift web, as per drawings supplied. (Cleared for all).


A Student Parachutist Equipment Change proposal application from Andy Page had been circulated with the Agenda, together with related paperwork and drawings.

Andy had asked for a modification on the Strong Dual Hawk Tandem harness to move the secondary drogue release from the R/H lift web position, (which is adjacent to the primary drogue release) and reposition it on the L/H lift web, which will allow for L/H operation in the event of R/H arm or hand injury or student interference.

Andy had stated that this secondary release was originally intended to go on the student harness, but this was not generally used in the UK so Andy had said that it seemed sensible to have the R/H and L/H option rather than both on the same side. Andy presented the equipment to those present.

Following some discussion, it was proposed by Andy Page and seconded by Rick Boardman that the above modification is accepted for general use

Carried Unanimously
28 September 2006
Type / General

RIGGERS 28th Sep 06

Discussion of Pro-Packing Tandem reserves (also see Mar 07 linked to this subject)


At the previous meeting, some concern had been raised from those present because a candidate attending an Advanced Packers Tandem Upgrade Course had been introduced to the flat and pro packing of Tandem reserves, even though the pro packing of Tandem reserves was not permitted in the UK, unless the Tandem reserve manufacturer states in their manual, that pro-packing is permitted.

This topic had generated some discussion and the Committee felt that the subject of pro-packing Tandem reserves needed re-addressing. A good deal of discussion ensued on this issue. It was generally felt by those present that as the subject of pro-packing is being taught on Advanced Packing Courses and some manufactures state that pro-packing is permitted, then the BPA should permit the pro-packing of Tandem reserves.

Following further discussion, it was proposed by Pete Sizer and seconded by Ray Armstrong that Tandem reserves can be packed as per the manufacturers instructions.

Carried Unanimously… but also see Riggers 29th Mar 07
23 November 2006
Type / Td400

RIGGERS 23rd Nov 06

Acceptance of Performance Variable TD400 Tandem Parachute System for use within the BPA.


An application for the acceptance of the Performance Variable TD400 Tandem Parachute System for Student use had been submitted from Paul Applegate and circulated to those present.

Following some discussion, it was proposed by Rick Boardman and seconded by Kim Newton that the above equipment be accepted for Student use.

Carried Unanimously

NOTE:Also see RIGGERS 29th Mar 07

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Last Update: From Riggers and Safety and Training Committee meetings 1st Feb 2018.

Form-212 Approved Tandem Parachute Equipment Modifications

To ascertain which canopies are cleared for use with a specific container, reference must be made to the modifications for that container type. A type of ‘Canopies Only’ has been included for any individual canopies, main or reserve, which have been approved for Tandem use by STC/Riggers but have no formal Tandem container system associated with them. These have been included for information only as the canopies have not had any modification applied to them.

Officially, any British Skydiving Tandem Modification that is cleared for use at any particular Riggers or STC Committee meeting must be formally ratified at the following Riggers or STC Meeting. These meetings are normally eight weeks apart and ‘officially’, any such Tandem Modification item will not be formally cleared until that ratification.

Some previously recorded clearances have been removed. For the full wording see the item ‘RIGGERS 15th Feb 01’ under type ‘General’.

No reference is made to any formal Safety Notice, Safety Information or Update, that has been issued by an individual manufacturer, unless they require the Riggers or STC to intervene. This is because a manufacturer’s update is not part of the British Skydiving modification programme. Safety Notices and Safety Information sheets may be issued by British Skydiving but these have their own recommendations and/or instructions.

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