RIGGERS 9th Oct 03
10. A.O.B
Kim Newton presented a Student (Hop) Tandem Main canopy and she asked whether this equipment required acceptance from the Committee as the main canopy had been specifically manufactured by the canopy manufacturer for Student Tandem.The Technical Officer advised those present that the BPA Operations Manual states that only Tandem equipment acceptable to the BPA (via Rigger’s Committee and STC) may be used.
Pete Sizer stated that he was unaware that he needed to bring the Student (Hop) Tandem to Riggers before he could first use it. He advised those present that the Centre had used it for about three years and stated that extensive amount of jumps had been made at the Centre and they had found it to be a very suitable canopy.
Following further discussion it was proposed by Pete Sizer and seconded by Kim Newton that the Student (Hop) Tandem main canopy be accepted for general use.
For: 6 – Against: 0 – Abstentions: 2