RIGGERS 15th Feb 01

RIGGERS 15th Feb 01

RIGGERS 15th Feb 01 (Items that were finally cleared below [2 only] are):


  • Item i) below: Already ‘cleared for all’ at Dec 00 Riggers Meeting.
  • Item ii) below: ‘NOT CLEARED for general use’.

Page 3, Item 8 – AOB (i). Paul Applegate advised those present that at the previous meeting a number of Tandem clearance requests put forward by Andy Guest had been discussed by the Committee. A letter had been received by Andy Guest concerning this matter, which had been circulated to those present. Mr Guest had stated that the Minutes had not accurately recorded that the following Tandem clearance requests had been accepted by the Committee:

  1. Permission to be able to put a Vector Tandem reserve in a Next Tandem system subject to getting an Advanced Rigger confirming that this was ok.
  2. Permission to have his Vector Tandem systems altered to the Paratec cutaway with secondary handle attached.

The Committee agreed that the above wording confirmed the correct Minute.

The Committee was advised that a letter had been received from Chris Thomas confirming that the Next Tandem container belonging to Mr Guest will accept the EZ 384 main parachute and the Vector 360 reserve.

The Chairman advised those present that Mr Guest had also requested in his letter that the following items be voted on and accepted by the Committee:

  1. That Tandem drogues being interchangeable.
  2. That Tandem student harnesses being interchangeable.

The Committee agreed that they were unable to vote on the above items that evening as they had not been circulated with the Agenda prior to the meeting and that a formal request would need to be submitted by Andy Guest prior to the next agenda going out.

With the above amendment, it was proposed by Bernadette Whitaker and seconded by John Curtis that the Minutes of the Riggers Committee Meeting of the 7th December 2000 be accepted as a true record.

Carried Unanimously

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