RIGGERS 26th Nov 92
There had been several questions raised since N. Johnston had been given permission to use the Tandem equipment manufactured by himself as it was now believed by the Committee that the reserve container differed slightly from the Vector system.
N. Johnston was present at the meeting to answer any technical questions regarding the equipment and informed those present that at the time he had stated that the pack was narrower, fatter and deeper, but that the actual volume had not changed although the reserve and main containers were slightly tighter the only result of which made packing slightly harder.
Nicky informed the meeting that he had completed 5 test jumps on the reserve section of the equipment and gave details of those he had completed to date. He also stated that he had now carried out approximately 60 jumps on the equipment carrying tandem passengers.
Some discussion took place regarding this item and some concern was expressed by those present that only 5 test jumps had been done on the reserve section of the equipment.
After further discussion it was felt that Nicky had fulfilled all the requirements asked of him by the Committee and it was therefore proposed by L. Thomas and seconded by J. Curtis that N. Johnston’s equipment be accepted for use.