RIGGERS 30th Jul 15
A paper by the BPA Safety & Technical Officer (STO) has been circulated with the Agenda concerning the use of soft links on Tandem and Student equipment.
Also tabled was correspondence from Bill Sharp with his comments on this issue for consideration.
The STO stated that at present there was nothing written down to clarify the use of soft links on Tandem or Student equipment and he would like some clarification from the Subcommittee. Discussion took place amongst those present and proceeded to discuss the different aspects starting with the use of soft links on reserves. It was highlighted that the Subcommittee could only work with what was written down in the Rigging Technical Manual and therefore realised that that the current procedures / rules written down in the Rigging Technical Manual regarding the use of rigging line connector links / soft links was in need of an update to fall in line with the newer equipment on the market. Pete Sizer agreed to look in to the areas concerning the use of soft links and bring these up to date.
Further consideration was given to the use of soft links on Student reserves and the Subcommittee agreed that this was acceptable providing these were approved by the canopy manufacturer. The subcommittee agreed that the use of soft links on Tandem reserves would not be accepted and if anyone knew of any Tandem reserves that came with soft links to please make them aware of this. You can email Pete Sizer on pete.seizer@btinternet.com
It was also highlighted that any Student equipment that was to be cleared by the Riggers Subcommittee should include all component parts including soft links.
Further discussion took place to consider the use of soft links on Tandem main canopies and those present were asked if they had any objections to the use of soft links on Tandem main canopies. Those present saw no objections providing these were recognised by the canopy manufacturer. It was therefore proposed by Paul Stockwell and seconded by Noel Purcell that the Subcommittee accept the use of Tandem main connector links (soft or metal) providing they are acceptable to the canopy manufacturer.