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What are Development Events?

The Development Event scheme is an improvement on the one-size fits all approach of the ‘old roadshow’ programme. The Development Event scheme offers members of British Skydiving up to £1500 to support the running of a UK-based event that responds to the needs of those at an early stage of their skydiving journey (A licence and above). This might be in terms of developing skills, developing safety in the sport or developing a sense of community.

For example, a Development Event might bring in coaches in an area that a PTO is otherwise unable to offer, such as canopy training or wingsuiting.  It could be an event that gives jumpers a taste of competition. It could involve organising night jumps or providing a marquee and guest speaker at an event for under-represented group of skydivers. For more examples, take a look below at the Development Events that the Member Development Committee has already supported.

The scheme can be used to cover nominal fees for coaches, judges, cameraflyers, speakers or equivalent, or toward travel, subsistence and accommodation expenses, or things such as hire of equipment. The Development Event support also includes national recognition and promotion for the events, and applicants can request support in other forms too, such as mentorship or advice, or supply of British Skydiving paperwork.

Who can apply?

Any current full member of British Skydiving can apply for support from the Development Event scheme: from our new A licence holders to the long-established coaches and Chief Instructors. Applications can come from an individual, a team, a PTO or an organisation.

How can you apply?

If you have a good idea for an event, just get that idea down on the Development Event Application Form (339) and check that it meets the criteria set out on the Development Event Info. Sheet (341). Then, send the completed form to 

All applications are forwarded to the Member Development Committee (check dates of MDC meetings and ensure that your application is received at least three weeks ahead of a meeting).  

The Committee considers each application on its own terms with the aim of using the scheme to support a wide range of initiatives that offer the best value to members. How many events receive support depends on budgetary limits, which are set from June and vary from year to year.

In 2023 the Member Development Committee supported seven Development Event applications.

The events were designed to enhance skills across various disciplines. They  included the Tillstock Women’s Boogie, focused on Female Freefly (FF) and Formation Skydiving (FS), and the Glasgow & Edinburgh University event, centered on FS. The British Collegiate Parachute Association (BCPA) event offered FS, FF, Tracking, and Canopy Coaching. Other events included the 2 Way Vertical Formation Skydiving (VFS) at Langar, SkyHigh Visionairi and Uplift covering FS, Wingsuit (WS), Tracking (TR), and FF, the Rookie Rumble dedicated to FS, and the BUS Freshers 23, which emphasized Tracking. These events provided valuable opportunities for skill development and community building within the skydiving community.

Planning an Event?

Got an idea but not quite ready to fill in the Application Form?

Use the contact form below to discuss your idea with the British Skydiving team.