Make a Nomination

    Yolande Lee

    The Small Print

    1. The closing date to nominate a British Skydiving Star 2021 is Friday 3 December 2021.
    2. Both the nominator and nominee must be current British Skydiving members.
    3. To comply with data protection and privacy legislation, if a nomination is judged by British Skydiving to be successful, a British Skydiving Star award will be made only with the consent (opt-in) of the nominee.
    4. Please note that in submitting nomination text (what you write in the nomination box on the nomination form, together with your name and DZ/PTO), you are consenting that this may, subject also to the consent of the nominee, be published by British Skydiving in whole or in part in the event of both (i) a successful nomination as determined by the judges, and (ii) your nominee choosing to accept the offer of a British Skydiving Star Award.
    5. To be eligible for consideration, the nominee must be at least an ‘A’ licence holder and the reasons why s/he deserves to be considered for the award of a British Skydiving Star must be set out in no more than 250 words. The nomination must be from the member who actually received the excellent service. The nominee must, at the date of nomination, be an active skydiver. Nominations will only be considered on the official website entry form or Form 296 – you can download this form as a fillable pdf (You need free-of-charge Adobe Reader software to read a pdf).  We shall be pleased supply the nomination form in Word (doc) format on request.
    6. Completed nomination forms should be e-mailed to headed ‘British Skydiving Star nomination’. There is a cap of (the first) five nominators per nominee. If a nominee has reached this cap, senders of any sixth and subsequent nominations will be advised accordingly, and their nominations will not be valid. Receipt of nominations will be acknowledged by e-mail, so if you do not receive an acknowledgement, please check with the Competitions & Awards Co-ordinator at British Skydiving HQ that your nomination has been received.
    7. Each eligible nomination will be considered by a panel of judges – the British Skydiving Vice Presidents – who will decide on whether the nominee should be offered the award a British Skydiving Star. The decision of the judging panel is final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
    8. Winners of a British Skydiving Star will be announced on the British Skydiving website before the AGM and recognised at the British Skydiving virtual AGM on on Saturday 29 January 2022.
    Yolande Lee

      1. The closing date to nominate a British Skydiving Star 2021 is Friday 3 December 2021.
      2. Both the nominator and nominee must be current British Skydiving members.
      3. To comply with data protection and privacy legislation, if a nomination is judged by British Skydiving to be successful, a British Skydiving Star award will be made only with the consent (opt-in) of the nominee.
      4. Please note that in submitting nomination text (what you write in the nomination box on the nomination form, together with your name and DZ/PTO), you are consenting that this may, subject also to the consent of the nominee, be published by British Skydiving in whole or in part in the event of both (i) a successful nomination as determined by the judges, and (ii) your nominee choosing to accept the offer of a British Skydiving Star Award.
      5. To be eligible for consideration, the nominee must be at least an ‘A’ licence holder and the reasons why s/he deserves to be considered for the award of a British Skydiving Star must be set out in no more than 250 words. The nomination must be from the member who actually received the excellent service. The nominee must, at the date of nomination, be an active skydiver. Nominations will only be considered on the official website entry form or Form 296 – you can download this form as a fillable pdf (You need free-of-charge Adobe Reader software to read a pdf).  We shall be pleased supply the nomination form in Word (doc) format on request.
      6. Completed nomination forms should be e-mailed to headed ‘British Skydiving Star nomination’. There is a cap of (the first) five nominators per nominee. If a nominee has reached this cap, senders of any sixth and subsequent nominations will be advised accordingly, and their nominations will not be valid. Receipt of nominations will be acknowledged by e-mail, so if you do not receive an acknowledgement, please check with the Competitions & Awards Co-ordinator at British Skydiving HQ that your nomination has been received.
      7. Each eligible nomination will be considered by a panel of judges – the British Skydiving Vice Presidents – who will decide on whether the nominee should be offered the award a British Skydiving Star. The decision of the judging panel is final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
      8. Winners of a British Skydiving Star will be announced on the British Skydiving website before the AGM and recognised at the virtual British Skydiving AGM on on Saturday 29 January 2022.