Committee Members Wanted

Members are invited to volunteer their skills and competencies through election as a member of a British Skydiving Committee. A limited number of seats are available on several committees. We’re looking for members with expertise in fields such as finance, business strategy and planning, management of business risk, governance, IT, media, sports development, performance investment, marketing, publicity and promotion, equality and inclusivity, mentoring, project management and other business activities relevant to us as the national governing body of our sport. 


Committee members are volunteers, we pay travel expenses in accordance with our expenses policy. Meetings are currently held virtually by Microsoft Teams but may require attendance at physical meetings in the future, typically there are four to six meetings per year for each committee. Some committees may establish task and finish groups to focus on specific projects, which will offer further opportunities for engagement as a volunteer.


What will you get out of it?

Putting something back into your sport, helping the skydiving community, and working with a great bunch of enthusiastic skydivers and staff. It’s a good extra-mural activity by which to extend and expand your CV, and to broaden your experience, not only of the sport, but of its third sector, not-for-profit, governing body. And who knows, some committee members may become so engaged, they may wish in time to consider standing for Council – for which committee membership can make a great launch pad for a Council election campaign! 


Members are invited to send summaries of at least 250 and no more than 500 words to say how their knowledge and experience could help us to run British Skydiving.  Please put ‘Committee volunteer’ in the subject line of your email and send it to Helen Lucas, Administration Secretary at – to arrive by Monday 4 January 2021.Â