Approved Tandem
Parachute Modifications

This site contains all British Skydiving Approved Tandem parachute equipment modifications that have been approved, recorded in the minutes and subsequently ratified at Riggers or Safety and Training Committee meetings. The modifications may be selected and viewed using three criteria; Type, Search, and Sort. Individual modifications have a brief description and may be expanded to show full details. Modifications may also have attached files including text, image and video as appropriate.

‘Type’ refers to a tandem system container and comprises all modifications for that equipment type that have appeared in the British Skydiving Riggers or Safety and Training Committee minutes since 1993. Each modification is as quoted in the applicable minute and sometimes, where necessary, there are references to other items to facilitate a fuller understanding of the modification The ‘Search’ and ‘Sort’ criteria are self-explanatory.

9 October 2003
Type / Canopies only

RIGGERS 9th Oct 03

Acceptance of HOP Tandem Main Canopy.

10. A.O.B

  1. Kim Newton presented a Student (Hop) Tandem Main canopy and she asked whether this equipment required acceptance from the Committee as the main canopy had been specifically manufactured by the canopy manufacturer for Student Tandem.The Technical Officer advised those present that the BPA Operations Manual states that only Tandem equipment acceptable to the BPA (via Rigger’s Committee and STC) may be used.

    Pete Sizer stated that he was unaware that he needed to bring the Student (Hop) Tandem to Riggers before he could first use it. He advised those present that the Centre had used it for about three years and stated that extensive amount of jumps had been made at the Centre and they had found it to be a very suitable canopy.

    Following further discussion it was proposed by Pete Sizer and seconded by Kim Newton that the Student (Hop) Tandem main canopy be accepted for general use.

    For: 6 – Against: 0 – Abstentions: 2
5 February 2004
Type / Galaxy/atom

RIGGERS 5th Feb 04

Approval of Military version of a Tandem Atom rig, to be used for Student civilian use. (Cleared for all).

13. A.O.B

  1. David Hickling asked Riggers to look at a Pdf Military Tandem rig, to be used for Student civilian use. He stated that it was similar to the Pdf civilian Tandem rig, other than additional ‘D’ rings on the harness and other minor differences, such as zips etc. He stated that it was to be used by BPS, Langar in the same way as they use their other Tandem equipment.Following inspection of the equipment, it was proposed by Pete Sizer and seconded by Andrew Hilton that the above equipment be accepted.

    For: 4 – Against: 0 – Abstentions: 4 (including Bill Sharp)

    The Chairman took on board John Curtis comments that equipment should be looked at first prior to it being presented to the Committee

10 June 2004
Type / Sigma

RIGGERS 10th Jun 04

Material tags added to passenger harness quick release buckles on Tandem Sigma.


At the previous meeting, the Committee had discussed a proposal from Bill Sharp involving the RWS Tandem Sigma Student Harness. The proposal had been to add some tape extension handles to the existing passenger harness quick release buckles, for ease of release by the Tandem Instructor.

At the previous meeting it was felt by those present that as this modification had already been approved in the past and had been given a ‘blanket’ approval (15 Feb 2001). The Committee had felt that Bill’s proposal could be included in this ‘blanket’ approval, even though the Tandem Sigma had not been in use then. The Chairman had been asked to contact Bill on this matter.

Bill Sharp had submitted a letter to the Committee on this item, a copy of which had been circulated with the agenda.

Bill had stated that in Feb 2001, he was given a clearance for the initial modification to the Tandem Vector student harness. At that time, the modification was approved with a blanket approval for all to use on the Tandem Vector system.

The Tandem Sigma was not approved for use in the UK until Dec 2001, about a year later. At the same Dec 2001 meeting, the NCSO advised the Committee that the Tandem Sigma was a completely different system to the Tandem Vector. Thereafter, because of these differences, it was decided to treat it separately, complete with a new section added to the BPA Approved Tandem Modification website, specifically for Tandem Sigma clearances and modifications.

Bill Sharp had also stated that he had attended the Feb 2002 Rigger’s meeting, and whilst there, he asked a general question about the use of the previous ‘Tandem Vector student harness tape extensions clearance’ for use with the new Tandem Sigma harness. He stated that he was advised that as it was a new and different system, that it would be best to re-submit the clearance in the Tandem Sigma’s name. At that time, for various reasons he never bothered but then decided to include it with my other clearance for attention at the last meeting.

Bill had stated in his correspondence that the above ‘blanket clearance’ suggestion was never given, nor was it ever intended to be given. The acceptance was for general use on the Tandem Vector. Bill had stated that in his opinion this ‘blanket clearance’ assumption is a reversion back to the days of anything goes, something that he had spent a lot of time getting sorted out. Bill stated that the Tandem Sigma (TV3) harness may be the same or similar as the Tandem Vector harness (TV2) but they belong to two different systems, and should have separate clearances.

The Committee accepted Bill’s comments on this matter.

Bill Sharp had therefore, re-applied for the same Tandem Sigma student harness tape extensions application as previously submitted.

Following further discussion on this matter, it was proposed by Bill Sharp (proxy) and seconded by John Harding that Bill Sharp’s modification to add some tape extension handles to the existing passenger harness quick release buckles to the RWS Tandem Sigma Student Harness as per the drawings previously submitted.

For: 5 (incl. 2 by proxy) – Against: 0 – Abstentions: 1

A proxy vote in favour of this item had been received from Allan Hewitt.

Pete Sizer said that he would put forward a similar proposal for consideration at the next meeting with regard to extension handles to be used on other Tandem equipment.

7 October 2004
Type / General

RIGGERS 7th Oct 04

Material tags (as per drawings supplied) to be used on all Tandem student harnesses.


The below (in small italics) was wrongly minuted as the supposed discussion etc of Pete’s above proposal. The proper correction etc is printed as it appeared in the 24th Feb 05 Riggers minutes

A proposal from Pete Sizer had been circulated with the Agenda requesting a change to the specification for BPA Minor Mods 1 & 2, for the use of AML 16720 double gate snaps as an alternative to previously listed snap hooks.

It was proposed by Pete Sizer and seconded by Bernadette Whitaker that the above request be accepted.

Carried Unanimously – but see RIGGERS 24th Feb 05
24 February 2005
Type / General

RIGGERS 24th Feb 05

Correction of above as reported in original minutes (Oct 04) and proper clearance authority.


At the Riggers Committee Meeting of 7 October 2004, the Committee unanimously accepted Pete Sizer’s proposal with regard to a Student Tandem Equipment Modification involving the fitting of release tabs on side-tie buckles to Tandem Student harnesses, as per the drawings previously circulated.

The Minute referring to this item actually related to another proposal from Pete Sizer (not previously circulated) requesting a change to the specification for BPA Minor Mods I & 2, for the use of AML 16720 double gate snaps as an alternative to previously listed snap hooks. This request was not discussed or voted on at the meeting and would therefore need to be considered at this meeting.

Following some discussion on this item, it was agreed by Pete Sizer that he would withdraw his proposal at this time.

In a letter circulated from Bill Sharp. Bill had commented on the importance of reading the Minutes properly for absolute clarity, particularly the person who originally proposed the item.

14 April 2005
Type / Vector

RIGGERS 14th Apr 05

To fit a Paratec Next drogue pocket onto a Tandem Vector 1 & 2. (Cleared for all).


A proposal from John Harding had been circulated with the Agenda, together with the relevant paperwork requesting to fit a Paratec Next drogue pocket onto a RW Tandem Vector 1 or Tandem Vector II Harness Container system. Following discussion, it was proposed by John Harding and seconded by Rick Boardman that the above proposal be accepted.

For: 4 – Against: 0 – Abstentions: 1
1 9 10 11 12 13 18

Last Update: From Riggers and Safety and Training Committee meetings 1st Feb 2018.

Form-212 Approved Tandem Parachute Equipment Modifications

To ascertain which canopies are cleared for use with a specific container, reference must be made to the modifications for that container type. A type of ‘Canopies Only’ has been included for any individual canopies, main or reserve, which have been approved for Tandem use by STC/Riggers but have no formal Tandem container system associated with them. These have been included for information only as the canopies have not had any modification applied to them.

Officially, any British Skydiving Tandem Modification that is cleared for use at any particular Riggers or STC Committee meeting must be formally ratified at the following Riggers or STC Meeting. These meetings are normally eight weeks apart and ‘officially’, any such Tandem Modification item will not be formally cleared until that ratification.

Some previously recorded clearances have been removed. For the full wording see the item ‘RIGGERS 15th Feb 01’ under type ‘General’.

No reference is made to any formal Safety Notice, Safety Information or Update, that has been issued by an individual manufacturer, unless they require the Riggers or STC to intervene. This is because a manufacturer’s update is not part of the British Skydiving modification programme. Safety Notices and Safety Information sheets may be issued by British Skydiving but these have their own recommendations and/or instructions.

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