Approved Tandem
Parachute Modifications

This site contains all British Skydiving Approved Tandem parachute equipment modifications that have been approved, recorded in the minutes and subsequently ratified at Riggers or Safety and Training Committee meetings. The modifications may be selected and viewed using three criteria; Type, Search, and Sort. Individual modifications have a brief description and may be expanded to show full details. Modifications may also have attached files including text, image and video as appropriate.

‘Type’ refers to a tandem system container and comprises all modifications for that equipment type that have appeared in the British Skydiving Riggers or Safety and Training Committee minutes since 1993. Each modification is as quoted in the applicable minute and sometimes, where necessary, there are references to other items to facilitate a fuller understanding of the modification The ‘Search’ and ‘Sort’ criteria are self-explanatory.

7 December 2000
Type / Vector

RIGGERS 7th Dec 00

The below item (8. AOB) had a major correction at the following Riggers Committee meeting. The amended (and clarified) version follows directly under this item (RIGGERS 15thth Feb 01, Item 2, [Page 3, Item 8-AOB (i)])

8. A.O.B

  1. A letter had been received from Andy Guest, which was circulated to those present requesting a number of permissions:
    1. Permission to put a Vector Tandem reserve in a Next system. It was believed by those present that this modification had previously been accepted by the Riggers Committee, but Andy Guest would need to confirm this by checking the list of all Tandem modifications, which was kept by Bill Sharp and could be found on his website
    2. Permission to be able to use the Vector Student harness with a Next system and vice versa. It was believed by those present that this modification had previously been accepted by the Riggers Committee, but Andy Guest would need to confirm this on the list of Tandem modifications.
    3. Permission to be able to use the Vector Student harness with a Next system and vice versa. It was proposed by Dave Ballard and seconded by Allan Hewitt that the above permission be accepted with a proviso that the equipment is inspected by an Advanced Rigger.
      For: 6 – Against: 2 – Abstentions: 3
    4. Permission to be able to interchange the drogues on the Vector/Next systems. It was believed by those present that this modification had previously been accepted by the Riggers Committee, but Andy Guest would need to confirm this on the list of Tandem modifications.
    5. Permission to have the Vector Tandem modified to have the secondary handle set up the same as the Next system. It was believed by those present that this modification had previously been accepted by the Riggers Committee, but Andy Guest would need to confirm this on the list of Tandem modifications.
15 February 2001
Type / Vector

RIGGERS 15th Feb 01

To use Tandem Vector systems altered to the Paratec cutaway with secondary handle attached (NOT CLEARED for general use).

RIGGERS 15th Feb 01 (Items that were finally cleared below [2 only] are):


  • Item i) below: Already ‘cleared for all’ at Dec 00 Riggers Meeting.
  • Item ii) below: ‘NOT CLEARED for general use’.

Page 3, Item 8 – AOB (i). Paul Applegate advised those present that at the previous meeting a number of Tandem clearance requests put forward by Andy Guest had been discussed by the Committee. A letter had been received by Andy Guest concerning this matter, which had been circulated to those present. Mr Guest had stated that the Minutes had not accurately recorded that the following Tandem clearance requests had been accepted by the Committee:

  1. Permission to be able to put a Vector Tandem reserve in a Next Tandem system subject to getting an Advanced Rigger confirming that this was ok.
  2. Permission to have his Vector Tandem systems altered to the Paratec cutaway with secondary handle attached.

The Committee agreed that the above wording confirmed the correct Minute.

The Committee was advised that a letter had been received from Chris Thomas confirming that the Next Tandem container belonging to Mr Guest will accept the EZ 384 main parachute and the Vector 360 reserve.

The Chairman advised those present that Mr Guest had also requested in his letter that the following items be voted on and accepted by the Committee:

  1. That Tandem drogues being interchangeable.
  2. That Tandem student harnesses being interchangeable.

The Committee agreed that they were unable to vote on the above items that evening as they had not been circulated with the Agenda prior to the meeting and that a formal request would need to be submitted by Andy Guest prior to the next agenda going out.

With the above amendment, it was proposed by Bernadette Whitaker and seconded by John Curtis that the Minutes of the Riggers Committee Meeting of the 7th December 2000 be accepted as a true record.

Carried Unanimously
15 February 2001
Type / General

RIGGERS 15th Feb 01

PLEASE NOTE: At this meeting, major changes to what is cleared for who, how to clear items etc, was decided. Some previously recorded clearances have been removed. READ THIS WHOLE SECTION, TO BE FOUND IN PART 2-TANDEM-GENERAL.


A discussion paper concerning Tandem modifications from Bill Sharp had been previously circulated with the Agenda.

Mr Sharp had written his paper because of his concerns following an item discussed at the last meeting with regard to a Tandem clearance request, which had been dealt with under A.O.B.

The Committee then went on to discuss previous Tandem Modifications:-

In the past, most of the BPA Approved Tandem Modifications were either cleared for individuals or specific Clubs and Centres. The Rigging Committee agreed that many of these previous clearances could be made available for use by all, once the Rigging Committee had specifically looked at each modification in turn. To this end the following was proposed;

That any Tandem system owner could now incorporate ‘cleared for all’ Tandem modifications into/onto their system, without further approval from the Rigging Committee subject to the following conditions being met:

An appropriately rated rigger, (suitably qualified to approve the specific modification) must inspect and issue paperwork to the rig owner, stating that the previously cleared modification, is the same as the original clearance, is safe to use and is compatible with the ‘new’ system.

The exact particulars of the original clearance still stand. (If the original clearance was for a Vector 360 reserve into a Tandem Next container, then anyone with the appropriate paperwork can put a Vector 360 reserve into a Tandem Next container. There is no authority for putting the reserve into any other container unless previously cleared.)

Proposed by: Bill Sharp – Seconded by: Dave Prince

General Clarification

  1. Not all previously cleared Tandem modifications have been cleared for general use.
  2. All previous approvals for Tandem Main canopies into particular Tandem Container systems have been removed from the above Approved Tandem Modification list. The authority for this is as per BPA Safety Information Bulletin 1/2000.
  3. Previously approved Tandem Modifications marked with ‘Cleared for all’ are now approved for use by all, subject to having the stated paperwork from an appropriately rated rigger. (Authority is the minutes of the Rigging Committee meeting Feb 2001)
  4. Previously approved Tandem modifications marked ‘NOT CLEARED for general use’ are still only to be used by the person or organisation stated in the original clearance. It was thought that the items that were not cleared required better information than was readily available at present, in order to open up that particular modification for all tandem users. These items can still be cleared again in the future through the Rigging Committee.
  5. Individuals/Centres etc who got the original clearance for the modifications from the Rigging Committee do not require the modification approval paperwork, as their particular authority is the relevant Rigging Committee minutes of that meeting. It would assist matters however, if these individuals could comply with the above paperwork in order to move towards one system.


  1. Recently a Tandem Modification request was dealt with in a way that caused a lot of confusion. To stop this from happening in the future, it was agreed that the following points, most of which have been agreed in past Rigging Committee meetings, are to be adhered to when requesting clearances for Tandem Modifications.
  2. Tandem Modifications will only be dealt with by the Rigging Committee if they are previously notified as an Agenda item. (This is to allow full investigation and research etc to be done, by all concerned prior to the meeting)
  3. An official ‘Tandem Modification Application’ form is in the process of being made and hopefully this will be cleared at the next Rigging Committee Meeting. When it is properly available, all future Tandem Modification Applications are to use this form. The form will indicate the details required, and will have sufficient space available so that the modification can be properly explained and documented. This will allow that particular modification can be opened up to all tandem users without further recourse to the Rigging Committee.
  4. Whenever possible, the applicant should try to bring the ‘modified system’ to the particular Rigging Committee meeting concerned. The item will not be formally inspected at the table, (this will already have been done) but it could be helpful with your request so as the riggers around the table, who are voting to clear your application, fully understand your modification.
  5. If the Rigging Committee require further information or a further inspection/test jump etc, then the formal modification clearance does not come into effect until the requested further info etc is formally reported back to the Rigging Committee. Please do your homework.

The Committee thanked Bill Sharp for the work that he had put into this item.

15 February 2001
Type / Vector

RIGGERS 15th Feb 01

To use ‘webbing/tape handles’ to Tandem Vector passenger harness quick release buckles. (Cleared for all).


A letter had been circulated with the Riggers Agenda from Bill Sharp requesting a Tandem modification clearance.

The equipment was a Tandem Vector and Bill Sharp asked permission to use ‘webbing/tape extensions handles’ to the existing passenger harness quick release buckles, for aiding the release by the Tandem Instructor.

It was proposed by Bill Sharp and seconded by Pete Sizer that the above modification be accepted for general use on Tandem Vector equipment.

For: 5 – Against: 0 – Abstentions: 1 (Bernadette Whitaker)
5 April 2001
Type / Vector

RIGGERS 5th Apr 01

To use a Parachutes de France drogue system in the Tandem Vector System (Cleared for all).


A request has been circulated with the Agenda from Pete Sizer to use a Parachutes de France drogue system in the Tandem Vector System belonging to Paul Austin.

The Parachutes de France drogue assembly comes with twin cables in place of the curved pin, otherwise the dimensions of the drogue and bridle are very similar. The only modification would be to remove the yellow cable from the outer bridle that is used to close the Atom drogue pocket.

Pete Sizer has inspected this modification and supported it fully as a general clearance for Atom drogues to be used on Vector systems.

It was proposed by Pete Sizer and seconded by Pat Walters that the above modification be accepted.

For: 4 – Against: 1 – Abstentions: 1 (Kim Newton)
7 June 2001
Type / Ultra next

RIGGERS 7th Jun 01

Red Devils to use yellow reserve handles on their Tandem Next systems. (NOT CLEARED for general use).


Rick Boardman had submitted two proposals concerning Tandem modifications, which had been previously circulated with the Agenda. A letter from Bill Sharp had been received concerning these requests and had been circulated to those present. (Note: The second of Rick’s two proposals was not cleared, therefore it is not recorded)

The Committee was advised that Mr Boardman was unable to attend the Riggers meeting that evening, but Dave Ballard was able to put forward the two proposals on his behalf:

  1.  The first request was for the Red Devils to use a yellow reserve handles on their Tandem Next system. In September 1997, clearance was given for the Red Devils Tandem Vectors to have the colour changed, if there is a blend between jumpsuit and cutaway handle colour.

The Committee was advised that at a subsequent meeting this clearance was given for general use, but only if jumpsuit/cutaway handle blends in colour.

Dave Ballard advised those present that the Red Devils have a colour blend problem, between their jumpsuits and their reserve handle on their Tandem Next. The request was that the permission of September 1997 be extended to encompass the Tandem Next system.

Following discussion on this matter, it was proposed by Rick Boardman (proxy) and seconded by Allan Hewitt that the above request be accepted. The Committee wished to make it clear that this request was for the Red Devils Tandem Next equipment only.

For: 7 (incl. 2 by proxy) – Against: 0 – Abstentions: 2
1 7 8 9 10 11 18

Last Update: From Riggers and Safety and Training Committee meetings 1st Feb 2018.

Form-212 Approved Tandem Parachute Equipment Modifications

To ascertain which canopies are cleared for use with a specific container, reference must be made to the modifications for that container type. A type of ‘Canopies Only’ has been included for any individual canopies, main or reserve, which have been approved for Tandem use by STC/Riggers but have no formal Tandem container system associated with them. These have been included for information only as the canopies have not had any modification applied to them.

Officially, any British Skydiving Tandem Modification that is cleared for use at any particular Riggers or STC Committee meeting must be formally ratified at the following Riggers or STC Meeting. These meetings are normally eight weeks apart and ‘officially’, any such Tandem Modification item will not be formally cleared until that ratification.

Some previously recorded clearances have been removed. For the full wording see the item ‘RIGGERS 15th Feb 01’ under type ‘General’.

No reference is made to any formal Safety Notice, Safety Information or Update, that has been issued by an individual manufacturer, unless they require the Riggers or STC to intervene. This is because a manufacturer’s update is not part of the British Skydiving modification programme. Safety Notices and Safety Information sheets may be issued by British Skydiving but these have their own recommendations and/or instructions.

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